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Fenpyroxymet 5% EC. Fenoxy Fertilizer Weight - 500 ML

By: Agri Crop Chemicals

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Broad-Spectrum Control
Broad-Spectrum Control: Fenpyroxymet is effective against a wide range of pests including mites, aphids, whiteflies, and thrips. This broad spectrum of activity makes it a versatile tool for pest management across various crops.
Acute Contact Toxicity
Acute Contact Toxicity: It exhibits quick knockdown and kill action upon contact with target pests. This rapid action helps in controlling pest populations effectively, especially during outbreaks or high infestation periods.
Emulsifiable Concentrate Formulation
Emulsifiable Concentrate Formulation: The formulation as an emulsifiable concentrate (EC) ensures easy mixing with water for application through sprayers or other application equipment. This facilitates uniform coverage of crops and targeted pest control.
Low Mammalian Toxicity
Low Mammalian Toxicity: It has low toxicity to mammals when used according to label instructions, reducing the risk to human health during application and post-application activities.
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Product Description:

Fenpyroxymet 5% EC is a type of pesticide formulation commonly used in agriculture. It contains fenpyroximate as the active ingredient, formulated as an emulsifiable concentrate (EC) at a concentration of 5%. Fenpyroximate is a broad-spectrum acaricide and insecticide that is effective against a variety of pests, including mites and certain insects like aphids, whiteflies, and thrips.

This pesticide works by inhibiting cellular respiration in pests, ultimately leading to their death. It is often used to control pests on a wide range of crops, including fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, and field crops.

As with any pesticide, it's important to carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding application rates, safety precautions, and proper handling to ensure effective pest control while minimizing risks to human health and the environment.

Fenpyroxymet 5% EC (Fenoxy) is utilized for various purposes in agriculture and horticulture due to its effectiveness against a wide range of pests. Some common uses include:

  1. Crop Protection: It is widely used to protect crops such as fruits (e.g., grapes, citrus, apples), vegetables (e.g., tomatoes, peppers, cucurbits), ornamentals, and field crops from damaging pests like mites, aphids, whiteflies, thrips, and certain other insects.

  2. Mite Control: Fenpyroxymet is particularly effective against mites, including spider mites, rust mites, and other species that can cause significant damage to crops by feeding on plant tissues and reducing yield and quality.

  3. Aphid Management: Aphids are common pests in many crops, and Fenpyroxymet provides effective control against these sap-sucking insects, which can cause stunted growth, distorted leaves, and transmission of viral diseases.

  4. Whitefly Management: Whiteflies are another major pest in agriculture, and Fenpyroxymet helps in controlling both nymphs and adults, reducing feeding damage and preventing the spread of viral diseases they can vector.

  5. Thrips Control: Thrips infestations can lead to feeding damage and transmission of plant viruses. Fenpyroxymet effectively targets thrips populations, helping to mitigate damage and prevent virus transmission.

  6. Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Fenpyroxymet can be integrated into IPM programs as part of a comprehensive pest management strategy that includes cultural practices, biological control, and other pest control methods.

  7. Resistance Management: It can be used as part of resistance management programs to combat pests that have developed resistance to other classes of pesticides, helping to preserve the efficacy of other pest control tools.

  8. Preventive and Curative Action: Fenpyroxymet can be used both preventively, to protect crops from initial pest infestations, and curatively, to control existing pest populations and prevent further damage.

  9. Greenhouse and Open-field Applications: It is suitable for use in both greenhouse and open-field settings, providing flexible options for pest control in various agricultural environments.

  10. Fruit and Vegetable Production: Fenpyroxymet is commonly used in fruit and vegetable production systems to safeguard yield and quality by managing pest populations effectively throughout the growing season.

  11. Ornamental Plant Protection: It is also employed in nurseries and ornamental plant production to control pests on flowering plants, foliage plants, and other ornamentals, ensuring their health and marketability.

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